HPV-vaccin ger inga biverkningar
De flickor som tar HPV-vaccin mot livmoderhalscancer riskerar inga allvarliga biverkningar. Det visar en svensk studie, skriver Dn.se.
Studien är den första i Sverige och bekräftar det som liknande studier i USA tidigare kommit fram till. I studien har en miljon svenska och danska flickor mellan 10-18 år deltagit i studien. De 300 000 flickor som tagit vaccinet har jämförts med de 700 000 som inte vaccinerats.
Forskarna har tittat på riskerna att få blodpropp eller allvarliga sjukdomar som multipel skleros, MS och narkolepsi.
Lisen Arnheim-Dahlström, forskare vid Karolinska institutet och ansvarig för studien menar att det är bra att det är en svensk studie som presenteras för att lugna de oroligheter som funnits kring vaccinet.
Japansk encefalit – Oförutsägbar risk, allvarliga konsekvenser
Japansk encefalit orsakas av ett virus som sprids till människa via myggstick i Asien. Sjukdomen startar oftast med influensaliknande symtom och kan ge hjärninflammation, som i sin tur kan orsaka kramper och förlamningar. Valneva Sweden AB, 105 21 Stockholm
Lisen Arnheim-Dahlström menar vidare att det är riskfritt att ta vaccinet.
Nyligen beslutades att HPV-vaccin ska ingå i högkostnadsskyddet för kvinnor till och med 26 år. Gratis HPV-vaccin erbjuds sedan tidigare alla flickor födda 1993 eller senare. Vaccinet ges vid tre tillfällen inom sex månader.
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I have Cervical Cancer so I have been doing a lot of reading on the sejubct. Just like yourself, I did not have insurance and was unable to keep up with my Pap Smears. Before being diagnosed with Cervical Cancer, I had not had a Pap Smear in 9 years I always worried what would happen by not being able to have it done and now I know I ended up having to go to the Health Department in my county to have a Pap Smear. I also had to lie in order to have it done for free I would highly suggest going to the Health Department once a year for a free or very low cost Pap Smear. Although it CAN take 10 years for Cervical Cancer to develop, it can also take much less time which is exactly why Pap Smears are normally done annually. Also to answer your other question, Cervical Cancer is one of the slowest growing (spreading) cancers that there are. As for how fast they can grow or how slow, I cannot say for sure but I have read many times that it is one of the slowest growing and most cureable. However, just because it is one of the cureable does not mean that the battle fighting it is any easier, physically or emotionally. Having Cervical Cancer is extremely stressful on the person as well as the people who love them. Please find a way to get yourself checked. My symptoms began with bleeding during / after sex, then some mild to moderate pelvic pains, sometimes I get very sharp pains now, also I have had bleeding in between periods, and become very light headed at times, I also have nausea and occasional vomiting. Keep in mind though that most of these symptoms did not start until I had already had one symptom for five months. Good luck and I really hope you are able to have a Pap Smear and an HPV test done as soon as possible.
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